Webinar CEO Talk L’OREAL Indonesia

Webinar CEO Talk LOREAL Indonesia

Thursday, September 22 2022

The Loreal Indonesia x CDC UI Webinar activity was hosted by a moderator from CDC UI, namely Mas Siswandi Putra. The event began with remarks by Mrs. Prof. Dr. drg. Sandra Fikawati, MPH as Head of Sub-Directorate of Alumni Relations & Potential Alumni Participation UI.
The activity continued with a presentation about the Loreal Indonesia company, with the material Cultivating Digital First Mindset. The material was delivered by representatives from the Loreal Indonesia team, namely Mas Fabian who is the chief Digital & Media Officer of L’Oreal Indonesia and also Mas Cosi who is also the Digital Executive of L’Oreal Indonesia. After the presentation of the material, the question-and-answer session was opened. The participants who attended were very enthusiastic, this could be seen from the many questions that were asked to the speakers. The question was immediately answered by Mas Fabian and Mas Cosi. At the end of the activity, Mr Fabian and Mr Cosi provided suggestions, input and enthusiasm to continue working in the digital world.
Kegiatan Webinar Loreal Indonesia x CDC UI ini dibawakan oleh moderator dari CDC UI, yaitu mas Siswandi Putra. Acara diawali dengan sambutan oleh Bu Prof. Dr. drg. Sandra Fikawati, MPH selaku Kepala Sub Direktorat Hubungan Alumni & Potensi Peranserta Alumni UI.
Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan mengenai perusahaan Loreal Indonesia, dengan materi Cultivating Digital First Mindset. Penyampaian materi disampaikan oleh perwakilan dari tim Loreal Indonesia, yaitu mas Fabian yang merupakan chief Digital & Media Officer L’Oreal Indonesia dan juga mas Cosi yang juga merupakan Digital Executive L’Oreal Indonesia. Setelah pemaparan materi disampaikan, kemudian dibuka sesi tanya jawab. Peserta yang hadir sangat antusias hal ini terlihat dari banyaknya pertanyaan yang dilontarkan kepada narasumber. Pertanyaan langsung dijawab Mas Fabian dan Mas Cosi. Di akhri kegiatan mas Fabian dan Mas Cosi memberikan saran, masukan dan semangat untuk terus berkarya dalam dunia digital.
This webinar was attended by 78 participants consisting of students and alumni. The majority of participants who attended were students and recent graduates from UI and non-UI. The material presented was very informative from the speakers, making the participants stay in the Zzoom room until the end of the event and the event could run smoothly without any significant disturbances.
Kegiatan Webinar ini dihadiri oleh 78 peserta yang terdiri dari mahasiswa dan alumni. Peserta yang hadir mayoritas merupakan mahasiswa dan alumni lulusan baru yang berasal dari UI maupun non-UI. Materi yang disampaikan sangat informatif dari para pembicara membuat peserta tetap bertahan di room Zzoom sampai selesainya acara dan acara dapat berjalan dengan lancar tanpa ada gangguan yang berarti.