Webinar CDC UI x LinkedIn x BRI “It’s Your Greatduation: Great Opportunity to Get Information”

Jum’at, 16 Juli 2021

Webinar LinkedIn bekerjasama dengan PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (persero) (BRI) bersama dengan CDC UI ini dilaksanakan melalui daring/online melalui platform Zoom Meeting pada Juma’t, 16 Juli 2021 dari pukul 14.00 – 16.00 WIB. Kegiatan ini diperuntukkan khususnya bagi mahasiswa UI tingkat akhir dan alumni baru, serta mahasiswa non-UI yang ingin mendapatkan informasi terkait LinkedIn serta bagaimana perusahaan besar seperti BRI merekrut pegawainya. Kegiatan ini diikuti peserta dengan antusias sejak awal hingga akhir.  

Kegiatan ini dibawakan oleh MC dari pihak BRI, yaitu Mas Ichsan Saiful Rochmat, assistant manager di Culture Transformation Division BRI. Acara dibuka langsung oleh Bapak Ir. Ahmad Syafiq Msc. PhD. selaku Direktur dari Direktorat Pengembangan Karir Lulusan dan Hubungan Alumni (DPKHA) UI sekaligus mengenalkan DPKHA dan CDC UI kepada peserta.

Webinar ini memiliki 3 pembicara hebat yang membawakan materi yang informatif. Pembicara pertama yaitu Ibu Lanny Wijaya yang membawakan materi dengan judul “LinkedIn as a Tool for Your Career Success” dimana beliau menjelaskan mengenai pentingnya memiliki LinkedIn untuk meningkatkan employability, dikarenakan saat ini perusahaan akan melihat profile LinkedIn dari pelamar. Beliau juga memberikan contoh praktik langsung bagaimana membuat profile LinkedIn yang baik dan menarik bagi recruiter.

Pembicara selanjutnya yaitu Bapak Ir. Ahmad Syafiq Msc. PhD. Beliau membawakan materi dengan judul “Tracer Study and Employer Study UI: Insight and Selected Results” dimana beliau menjelaskan mengenai hasil survei employer study UI yang menunjukkan employability dari lulusan UI serta karakteristik dari lulusan UI menurut perusahaan.

Pembicara terakhir yaitu Ibu Gandes Puspita Wangi, S.Sos. yang membawakan materi berjudul “Ready for the Next Journey” dimana beliau menjelaskan mengenai pengalaman beliau setelah lulus kemudian akhirnya menjadi pegawai di BRI dan meniti karir di BRI serta budaya kerja serta peluang-peluang pengembangan diri yang diberikan BRI kepada karyawannya.

Kegiatan webinar ini dihadiri oleh 242 peserta yang terdiri atas mahasiswa dan juga alumni baru UI (freshgraduate). Mahasiswa yang hadir mayoritas berasal dari semester 8, kemudian dilanjutkan semester 6, semester 4, dan semester 2. Dengan penyampaian materi yang menarik serta isi materi yang sangat informatif dari para pembicara membuat peserta tetap bertahan di room Zoom hingga acara selesai dan acara dapat berjalan lancar tanpa ada gangguan yang berarti. Kemudian diberikan pula kesempatan kepada para peserta untuk bertanya secara interaktif. Ketertarikan dan antusias peserta terhadap materi yang dibawakan terlihat dari banyaknya peserta yang mengajukan pertanyaan. Sebanyak kurang lebih 4 orang mahasiswa mendapatkan kesempatan untuk dijawab pertanyaannya oleh para pembicara. Setelah sesi tanya jawab, sebelum acara berakhir diadakan pula kuis berhadiah e-money senilai Rp 100.000,- dari BRI dengan pertanyaan seru tebak gambar mengenai topik seputar hal terkenal dari Universitas Indonesia. BRI juga memberikan e-money senilai Rp 100.000,- bagi peserta terpilih yang membagikan cerita dan rangkuman apa saja yang mereka dapatkan pada webinar ini di akun Instagram mereka dengan kreatif. Selain itu acara ini juga memberikan sertifikat bagi seluruh peserta yang mengisi form evaluasi webinar.

Berikut ini merupakan dokumentasi sesi tanya jawab dan kuis tebak gambar yang dilaksanakan.

Webinar CDC UI x LinkedIn x BRI
“It’s Your Greatduation: Great Opportunity to Get Information”
Friday, July 16, 2021


The LinkedIn webinar in collaboration with PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (Persero) (BRI) together with CDC UI was held online through the Zoom Meeting platform on Friday, July 16, 2021 from 14.00 – 16.00 WIB. This activity was specifically intended for final year UI students and new alumni, as well as non-UI students or alumni who want to get information related to LinkedIn and how big companies like BRI recruit their employees. This activity was followed enthusiastically by the participants from the beginning until the end.
This activity was brought by an MC from BRI, namely Mas Ichsan Saiful Rochmat, assistant manager at BRI’s Culture Transformation Division. The event was opened directly by Mr. Ir. Ahmad Syafiq Msc. PhD. as Director of the Directorate of Career Development and Alumni Relations (DPKHA) UI at the same time introducing DPKHA UI and CDC UI to the participants.
This webinar features 3 great speakers who provide informative materials. The first speaker was Mrs. Lanny Wijaya who brought material with the title “LinkedIn as a Tool for Your Career Success” where she explained the importance of having LinkedIn to increase employability, because currently companies tend to look at the LinkedIn profile of applicants when they recruit new employee. She also gave direct practice examples of how to create a good and attractive LinkedIn profile that could attach the recruiters’ impression.

The next speaker was Mr. Ir. Ahmad Syafiq Msc. PhD. He presented a material entitled “Tracer Study and Employer Study UI: Insight and Selected Results” where he explained the results of the UI employer study survey which showed the employability of UI graduates and the characteristics of UI graduates according to the company.

The last speaker was Mrs. Gandes Puspita Wangi, S.Sos. who presented a material entitled “Ready for the Next Journey” where she explained about her experience after graduating and then finally becoming an employee at BRI and pursuing a career at BRI as well as the work culture and self-development opportunities that BRI provides to its employees.
This webinar activity was attended by 242 participants consisting of students and also new UI alumni (fresh graduates). The majority of students who attended came from semester 8, then continued by semester 6, semester 4, and semester 2. With the amazing delivery of interesting and informative material from the speakers, participants stayed in the Zoom until the event was over and the event could run smoothly without any significant disturbance.
Before the event was over, the participants was given the opportunity to ask questions interactively. The participants’ interest and enthusiasm for the material presented was showed from the number of participants who asked questions. A total of approximately 4 students had the opportunity to have their questions answered by the speakers. After the question-and-answer session, before the event ended, a quiz was held with an e-money prize worth of IDR 100,000 from BRI with fun quiz about famous things from the Universitas Indonesia. BRI also provides e-money worth Rp 100,000, – for selected participants who share their stories and summaries of what they got from this webinar on their Instagram account creatively. In addition, this event also provides certificates for all participants who filled out the webinar evaluation form.
The following is a documentation of the question and answer session and the quiz that was carried out.