Webinar Career (Internship & Full-time Job) P&G x CDC UI x BEM UI

Tuesday, April 12 2022

Selasa, 12 April 2022

P&G together with CDC UI and BEM UI have held a Career Webinar (Internship & Full-time Job) P&G x CDC UI x BEM UI with the title “Accelerate Your Career from Day 1 With P&G” online via the Zoom Meeting platform. This webinar was held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, starting at 15.00-17.00 WIB. This activity was especially for UI students and fresh graduates, also for non-UI students who want to know more about career at P&G. The purpose of this webinar is for students and fresh graduates to get information regarding the P&G company and internship opportunities as well as full time job opportunities at P&G so that many students and new graduates from UI can start their careers together with P&G. This activity was attended by participants enthusiastically from the beginning until the end, where 505 participants registered.

P&G bersama dengan BEM UI dan CDC UI telah melaksanakan Webinar Career (Internship & Full-time Job) P&G x CDC UI x BEM UI dengan tajuk “Accelerate Your Career from Day 1 With P&G” secara daring atau online melalui platform Zoom Meeting. Webinar ini dilaksanakan pada Selasa, 12 April 2022 mulai pukul 15.00-17.00 WIB. Kegiatan ini diperuntukkan khususnya mahasiswa dan lulusan baru UI maupun mahasiswa non-UI yang ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai karier di P&G. Tujuan dari webinar ini adalah agar mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi terkait perusahaan P&G dan peluang internship maupun bekerja full time di P&G sehingga banyak mahasiswa maupun lulusan baru dari UI yang dapat memulai kariernya bersama dengan P&G. Kegiatan ini diikuti peserta dengan antusias sejak awal hingga akhir, dimana peserta yang mendaftar mencapai 505 orang.

The Webinar Career was hosted by a moderator from BEM UI, namely Mbak Anindytha Arsa. The event began with a speech and introduction of DPKHA and DPKHA social media to participants by Prof. Dr. drg. Sandra Fikawati, MPH, as the Head of Career Development Center Universitas Indonesia (CDC UI).

Kegiatan Webinar Career (Internship & Full-time Job) P&G x CDC UI x BEM UI ini dibawakan oleh moderator dari BEM UI, yaitu Mbak Anindytha Arsa. Acara diawali dengan pemberian sambutan serta pengenalan DPKHA dan media sosial DPKHA kepada peserta oleh Prof. Dr. drg. Sandra Fikawati, MPH, selaku Kepala Career Development Center Universitas Indonesia (CDC UI).

The activity continued with socialization about the P&G company and career opportunities at P&G. The material was delivered by team from P&G, Mbak Jenny as the Senior Director of Human Resources at P&G Indonesia and Mas Fajar as Manager of Human Resources at P&G Indonesia. Mas Fajar was also a student from the University of Indonesia batch 2016 and he graduated from law faculty in 2020. The presentation of this material was interspersed with playing games that sharpened the participants’ knowledge about the company and products from P&G. After the presentation was delivered, a question and answer session was opened. Participants were very enthusiastic as seen from the questions that they asked. Questions were answered right away by the P&G team.


This webinar was attended by 294 participants consisting of students and alumni. The majority of participants who attended were fresh graduates from both UI and non-UI. With the delivery of very informative material from the speakers, participants stayed in the Zoom until the event was over and the event could run smoothly without any significant disturbances.

Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan sosialisasi mengenai perusahaan P&G dan kesempatan berkarier di P&G. Penyampaian materi diberikan oleh tim dari P&G, yaitu Mas Fajar dan Mbak Jenny yang merupakan Manager dan Senior Director Human Resources P&G Indonesia, di mana Mas Fajar juga merupakan mahasiswa dari Universitas Indonesia. Penyampaian materi ini diselingi dengan bermain gim yang mengasah pengetahuan peserta tentang perusahaan dan produk dari P&G. Setelah pemaparan disampaikan, kemudian dibuka sesi tanya jawab. Peserta sangat antusias terlihat dari banyaknya pertanyaan yang diberikan. Pertanyaan langsung dijawab oleh tim P&G.
Kegiatan webinar ini dihadiri oleh 294 peserta yang terdiri atas mahasiswa dan alumni. Peserta yang hadir mayoritas merupakan alumni lulusan baru baik dari UI maupun non-UI. Dengan penyampaian materi yang sangat informatif dari para pembicara membuat peserta tetap bertahan di room Zoom hingga acara selesai dan acara dapat berjalan lancar tanpa ada gangguan yang berarti.