Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) diwakili oleh Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) bersama dengan Career Development Center Universitas Indonesia (CDC-UI) telah melaksanakan sebuah seminar karier yang juga memberikan informasi tentang kegiatan magang dengan tema “Prepare Yourself to be a Global Talent and Bring Indonesia to the World“. Seminar ini diselenggarakan secara tatap muka atau offline dan berlangsung di Makara Art Center (MAC) UI pada hari Rabu, 13 September 2023, dari pukul 13.00 hingga 17.00 WIB. Kegiatan ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa dan alumni UI yang ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang Srikandi BUMN serta peluang karier dan budaya kerja di BUMN, terutama di BNI. Tujuan dari seminar ini adalah memberikan informasi kepada mahasiswa dan alumni mengenai Srikandi BUMN, informasi umum tentang BUMN dan informasi khusus tentang BNI, budaya kerja di BUMN dan BNI, serta peluang karier, terutama terkait magang di BNI. Diharapkan dengan seminar ini, banyak mahasiswa dan lulusan baru dari UI yang dapat memulai karier mereka bersama BNI. Kegiatan ini mendapat sambutan antusias dengan jumlah peserta mencapai 251 orang.
The State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN), represented by Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), in collaboration with the Career Development Center of the University of Indonesia (CDC-UI), has organized a career seminar that provides information on internship opportunities with the theme “Prepare Yourself to be a Global Talent and Bring Indonesia to the World.” The seminar was conducted in person or offline and took place at Makara Art Center (MAC) UI on Wednesday, September 13, 2023, from 13:00 to 17:00 WIB. This event was aimed at students and alumni of UI who wanted to learn more about Srikandi BUMN, as well as career opportunities and work culture within BUMN, especially at BNI. The goal of this seminar was to provide students and alumni with information about Srikandi BUMN, general information about BUMN, specific details about BNI, work culture within BUMN and BNI, and career prospects, particularly regarding internships at BNI. It is hoped that through this seminar, many UI students and recent graduates will be able to embark on their careers with BNI. The event received enthusiastic participation, with a total of 251 participants.
Kegiatan seminar ini dibawakan oleh MC dari BNI, yaitu Mbak Putri dan Mas Frendy Pradana (Topenk). Acara diawali dengan pembukaan oleh MC dan menyanyikan lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya oleh para hadirin. Kemudian acara dilanjutkan dengan pemberian sambutan oleh Wakil Rektor bidang SDM dan Aset UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi., DEA, sekaligus penandatanganan PKS dan soft-launching C-FEST dengan Ibu Corrina selaku Direktur Digital & Integrated Transactional Banking BNI. Setelah kegiatan tersebut, dilanjutkan dengan penayangan video pesan dari Menteri BUMN, Bapak Erick Thohir.
This seminar event was hosted by the MCs from BNI, namely Ms. Putri and Mr. Frendy Pradana (Topenk). The event began with an opening by the MCs and the singing of the Indonesian national anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” by the attendees. Following this, there were welcoming remarks by the Vice Rector for Human Resources and Assets at UI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Dedi Priadi, DEA, along with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (PKS) and the soft launch of C-FEST with Ms. Corrina, who serves as the Director of Digital & Integrated Transactional Banking at BNI. Following these activities, a video message from the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Mr. Erick Thohir, was shown.
Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan kuis berhadiah tapcash special dari BNI dengan saldo Rp 150.000 sejumlah 10 buah. Setelah kuis singkat yang sangat menarik dan meningkatkan antusiasme peserta, kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi dari pihak BNI untuk mengenalkan mengenai Srikandi BUMN, yaitu oleh Ibu Corrina. Setelah Ibu Corrina mengenalkan mengenai Srikandi BUMN, dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan dari salah satu direksi wanita muda BNI, yaitu Ibu Novita selaku Direktur Finance BNI yang memberikan pemaparan terkait global talent di BNI. Setelah pemaparan dari Ibu Novita, kembali diadakan kuis untuk meningkatkan semangat peserta dengan hadiah berupa saldo di kado BNI mulai dari Rp 500.000 sampai Rp 1.000.000.
The activity continued with a quiz, offering special Tapcash prizes from BNI with a balance of IDR 150,000, totalling 10 prizes. After an engaging and enthusiasm-boosting short quiz, the activity proceeded with presentations by BNI representatives to introduce Srikandi BUMN. The first presentation was given by Ms. Corrina. Following Ms. Corrina’s introduction of Srikandi BUMN, there was a presentation by one of BNI’s young female directors, Ms. Novita, who serves as the Director of Finance at BNI and the topic discussed about global talent at BNI. After Ms. Novita’s presentation, another quiz was held to further motivate the participants, with prizes consisting of gift balances from BNI ranging from IDR 500,000 to IDR 1,000,000.
Setelah pemaparan dari Ibu Corrina dan Ibu Novita, acara dilanjutkan dengan talkshow yang membahas topik Global Talent yang dibawakan oleh moderator dari UI, yaitu Mbak Cynthia. Talkshow ini menghadirkan 4 pembicara hebat, yaitu Co-Founder dan juga CEO dari Schoters yaitu Mas Radyum Ikono, Department Head of BNI Financial Institutional Services 2, Ibu Dyah Paramita, Division Head Card Business BNI, Ibu Grace Situmeang, dan yang terakhir yaitu SVP Corporate Advisory (Enterprise & Commercial) BNI Divisi Wholesale Solution, Ibu Ayu Sari Wulandari. Setelah talkshow dari para narasumber, dibuka juga sesi QnA bagi para peserta. Karena keterbatasan waktu, penanya yang diberikan kesempatan hanya 4 orang. Setelah sesi QnA, kembali diadakan sesi quiz dengan hadiah Corkcicle dan Tapcash BNI Special Edition sebanyak 35 buah.
Following the presentations by Ms. Corrina and Ms. Novita, the event continued with a talk show on the topic of Global Talent, moderated by Ms. Cynthia from UI. The talk show featured four distinguished speakers, including Mr. Radyum Ikono, the Co-Founder and CEO of Schoters; Ms. Dyah Paramita, Department Head of BNI Financial Institutional Services 2; Ms. Grace Situmeang, Division Head of Card Business at BNI; and lastly, Ms. Ayu Sari Wulandari, Senior Vice President of Corporate Advisory (Enterprise & Commercial) at BNI’s Wholesale Solution Division. Following the talk show with the panellists, a Q&A session was opened for participants. Due to time constraints, only four participants were given the opportunity to ask questions. After the Q&A session, there was another quiz session with prizes consisting of 5 Corkcicle and 35 special edition Tapcash BNI.
Setelah kuis tersebut, kegiatan seminar Srikandi BUMN Goes to UI Campus berakhir. Kegiatan seminar ini dapat berjalan lancar tanpa ada gangguan yang berarti sampai akhir. Dengan penyampaian materi yang sangat informatif dari para pembicara diharapkan dapat memberikan banyak manfaat bagi seluruh pihak.
After the quiz, the Srikandi BUMN Goes to UI Campus seminar officially ended. The seminar proceeded smoothly without significant disruptions until the end. With the highly informative presentations from the speakers, it is hoped that the event has provided significant benefits to all participants.