Kalbe Nutritionals together with CDC UI have conducted a webinar with the title “KN Sharing 2023: The Importance of Medical Marketing Role in Indonesia’s Health Industry & FMCG Company” online via the Zoom Meeting platform. This webinar was held on Friday, July 21, 2023 starting at 14.00-16.30 WIB. This activity was targeted for UI students and new graduates as well as non-UI students. The purpose of this webinar was for students to get information related to medical marketing in the world of FMCG and find out information on career opportunities at Kalbe Nutritionals. This activity was attended by participants enthusiastically from start to finish, where participants who took part in this activity reached 134 people.


Kalbe Nutritionals bersama dengan CDC UI telah melaksanakan webinar dengan tajuk “KN Sharing 2023: The Importance of Medical Marketing Role in Indonesia’s Health Industry & FMCG Company” secara daring atau online melalui platform Zoom Meeting. Webinar ini dilaksanakan pada Jum’at, 21 Juli 2023 mulai pukul 14.00-16.30 WIB. Kegiatan ini diperuntukkan khususnya mahasiswa dan lulusan baru UI maupun mahasiswa non-UI. Tujuan dari webinar ini adalah agar mahasiswa mendapatkan informasi terkait marketing medis dalam dunia FMCG serta mengetahui informasi peluang karier di Kalbe Nutritionals. Kegiatan ini diikuti peserta dengan antusias sejak awal hingga akhir, dimana peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan ini mencapai 134 orang.

This webinar activity was hosted by a moderator from CDC UI, namely Ms. Diani. The event began with a speech given to participants by Mrs. Sri Daryanti, M.M, as Deputy Head of the University of Indonesia’s Career Development Center (CDC UI).


Kegiatan webinar ini dibawakan oleh moderator dari CDC UI, yaitu Mbak Diani. Acara diawali dengan pemberian sambutan kepada peserta oleh Ibu Sri Daryanti, M.M, selaku Wakil Kepala Career Development Center Universitas Indonesia (CDC UI).

The activity continued with the introduction of Kalbe Nutritionals to the webinar participants which was brought by Ms. Zhafira as Employer Branding from Kalbe Nutritionals. After the introduction of the company, followed by presentation from the resource person, namely dr. Muliaman Mansyur as Division Head of Medical Marketing & Operation Kalbe Nutritionals. The presentation was given in a very interesting manner with short quizzes held in between. After the presentation was delivered, question and answer session was opened. Participants were very enthusiastic, seen from the questions asked. Questions were read by Ms. Diani as the MC, and then immediately answered by dr. Mul. After the question and answer session, a CV submitting session and filling the evaluation form by the participants was held.

With the interesting delivery of a very informative material from the speaker, the participants remained in the Zoom room until the event was over and the event could run smoothly without any significant interruptions.


Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan Kalbe Nutritionals kepada para peserta webinar yang dibawakan oleh Mbak Zhafira selaku Employer Branding dari Kalbe Nutritionals. Setelah pengenalan perusahaan, dilanjutkan dengan pemaparan materi dari narasumber yaitu dr. Muliaman Mansyur selaku Division Head of Medical Marketing & Operation Kalbe Nutritionals. Penyampaian materi diberikan dengan sangat menarik dengan diselingi kuis singkat. Setelah pemaparan disampaikan, kemudian dibuka sesi tanya jawab. Peserta sangat antusias, terlihat dari banyaknya pertanyaan yang diberikan. Pertanyaan dibacakan oleh Mbak Diani selaku MC, untuk kemudian langsung dijawab oleh dr. Mul. Setelah sesi tanya jawab, diadakan sesi mengupload CV dan pengisian form evaluasi oleh peserta.

Dengan penyampaian materi yang sangat informatif dari pembicara membuat peserta tetap bertahan di room Zoom hingga acara selesai dan acara dapat berjalan lancar tanpa ada gangguan yang berarti.