Entrepreneurship Career : Quick Workshop : How To Make a Good CV & Do a Successful Interview ! With Astari Indahingtyas ( Head of Career & Development Center at Prasetya Mulya - Alumni Universitas Indonesia )
Kegiatan Webinar yang dilaksanakan secara daring pada tanggal Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2022 dari pukul 14.30 hingga 15.30 WIB. Kegiatan ini mengusung tema : “Quick Workshop : How To Make a Good CV & Do a Successful Interview!” pembicara kegiatan ini diisi oleh Astari Indahingtyas sebagai Head of Career & Development Center at Prasetiya Mulya – Alumni Universitas Indonesia. Kegiatan ini dihadiri oleh 230 peserta webinar.
Webinar activities which will be held online on Saturday, October 29, 2022 from 14.30 to 15.30 WIB. This activity carries the theme: “Quick Workshop: How To Make a Good CV & Do a Successful Interview!” the speaker for this activity was Astari Indahingtyas as the Head of Career & Development Center at Prasetiya Mulya – Alumni of the University of Indonesia. This activity was attended by 230 webinar participants.