Ada informasi penting nih untuk kalian yang tertarik dan sudah menunggu untuk mendaftar di PMMB Batch 2 tahun 2021.
Pendaftaran sudah dibuka dan kalian bisa mulai mendaftar hari ini sampai Jum’at, 30 Juli 2021 pukul 23.59 WIB (DEADLINE) Kalian bisa mendaftar melalui link berikut ini:
Bagi yang belum menyiapkan dokumen, silakan siapkan dahulu seluruh dokumen secara lengkap dan pastikan semua sudah benar sebelum mengisi form karena kalian hanya dapat mengisi form SATU KALI.
Selain itu hal yang perlu kalian perhatikan: Surat pernyataan komitmen magang ditandatangani diatas materai 10.000, kemudian surat asli dikirimkan melalui paket ke alamat CDC UI Depok. Alamat dan nomor telpon cek di website
Jangan lupa juga ikuti webinar sosialisasi PMMB Batch 2 Tahun 2021 yang akan diadakan hari Selasa, 27 Juli 2021 pukul 14.00-16.00 WIB Kalian bisa dapatkan informasi dan menanyakan langsung semua pertanyaan terkait PMMB BUMN Batch 2 Tahun 2021. Jangan sampai terlewat ya!
There is important information for those of you who are interested and have been waiting to register for PMMB Batch 2 of 2021.
The registration is now open and you can start registering today until Friday, July 30, 2021 at 23.59 WIB (DEADLINE) You can register via the following link:
For those who have not prepared the documents needed, please prepare all documents completely and make sure everything is correct before filling out the form because you can only fill out the form ONCE.
Apart from that, you need to pay attention to this information as well: The internship commitment statement is signed on 10,000 stamps, then the original letter is sent by package to the CDC UI Depok address. Check the address and telephone number on the website
Don’t forget to also join the PMMB Batch 2 of 2021 socialization webinar which will be held on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 at 14.00-16.00 WIB You can get information and ask all of your questions directly regarding PMMB BUMN Batch 2 of 2021. Don’t miss it!
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