
Scholarship Webinar : Scholarship to The Netherlands With Indy Hardono ( Scholarship Team Coordinator ) Nuffic Neso


Kegiatan Webinar yang dilaksanakan secara daring pada tanggal Rabu, 26 Oktober 2022 dari pukul 09.30 hingga 10.30 WIB. Kegiatan ini mengusung tema : “ Scholarships to the Netherlands” webinar ini diisi oleh Indy Hardono selaku Scholarship Team Coordinator. Pada webinar ini dihadiri oleh 100 peserta.



Webinar activities which will be held online on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 09.30 to 10.30 WIB. This activity carries the theme: “Scholarships to the Netherlands” This webinar is filled in by Indy Hardono as the Scholarship Team Coordinator. This webinar was attended by 100 participants.