“Mbak, kira-kira PMMB batch 2 udah dibuka belum ya?”
“Mbak, kalo mau daftar PMMB batch 2 kapan ya?”
Dan masih banyak pertanyaan lagi, langsung aja cek post ini dan temukan jawabannya!

Masih ada pertanyaan?
Langsung aja kirim pertanyaanmu ke cdcui.magang@gmail.com yaa!

Jangan lupa juga terus ikuti lini informasi CDC UI agar tidak terlewat informasi-informasi lainnya.

“Has PMMB batch 2 been opened yet?”
“When will the registration for PMMB batch 2 opened?”
And many more questions, just check this post and find the answers!

Still have questions?
Just send your questions to cdcui.magang@gmail.com!

Also don’t forget to continue to follow the CDC UI information line so you won’t miss out another information.