Info Session Arthur D. Little

Arthur D. Little Info Session for Spring/Winter Internship Program 2024

Friday, 17th November 2023

Pada 17 November 2023 telah dilaksanakan Info Session oleh Arthur D. Little (ADL) bersama Career Development Center (CDC) UI, CDC FEB UI, dan ShARE UI di Student Center FEB UI pada pukul 14.00-16.30 WIB dengan sekitar 200 pendaftar. Seminar ini diselenggarakan untuk memperkenalkan perusahaan ADL kepada mahasiswa UI dan menjelaskan mengenai detail dari Spring/Winter Internship Program.

On November 17, 2023, an Info Session was conducted by Arthur D. Little (ADL) in collaboration with the Career Development Center (CDC) UI, CDC FEB UI, and ShARE UI at the Student Center FEB UI from 14:00 to 16:30 WIB, with approximately 200 registrants. This seminar was organized to introduce the ADL company to UI students and provide details about the Spring/Winter Internship Program.

Seminar dimulai dengan pembukaan oleh Pak Edric Fong selaku Business Analyst di ADL. Kemudian dilanjut dengan pengenalan terkait company profile ADL oleh Daniel Chow selaku principal dan Felix Wu selaku consultant. Selanjutnya, penyampaian sharing pengalaman bekerja di ADL oleh Bu Amanda Djojonegoro selaku Manager dan Pak Prakarsa Mulyo selaku Consultant.

The seminar began with an opening addressed by Mr. Edric Fong, the Business Analyst at ADL. It was followed by an introduction to the company profile of ADL by Daniel Chow as the Principal, and Felix Wu as the Consultant. Subsequently, there was sharing session about the experiences of working at ADL by Mrs. Amanda Djojonegoro as the Manager, and Mr. Prakarsa Mulyo as the Consultant.

Sesi selanjutnya adalah penjelasan terkait internship program untuk Spring/Winter 2024 Analyst Intern recruitment. ADL juga memberikan penjelasan bahwa pada saat interview dalam proses rekrutmen, kandidat akan diberikan suatu case yang harus dipecahkan.

The next session involved an explanation of the internship program for Spring/Winter 2024 Analyst Intern recruitment. ADL also provided infromation that during the interview session in the recruitment process, there will be a case study that candidates have to solve.

Setelah itu, peserta diberi kesempatan untuk memberikan pertanyaan kepada pihak ADL serta berdiskusi bersama.

After that, participants were given the opportunity to ask questions to the ADL team and engage in a discussion.

Sebelum kegiatan diakhiri, salah satu mata acara pada sharing session ini, yaitu case study workshop dilaksanakan. Para peserta diarahkan untuk membuat satu kelompok sebagai teman diskusi. Para peserta antusias dalam berdiskusi untuk memecahkan masalah yang diberikan. Setelah itu, beberapa perwakilan kelompok memberikan jawaban dari hasil diskusi. Pihak ADL juga memberikan feedback dari jawaban tersebut.

Before closing the seminar, the case study workshop, one of the agenda in this sharing session, was conducted. Participants were directed to form groups for discussion. The participants enthusiastically engaged in discussions to solve the given problem. Subsequently, representatives from each group provided answers based on their discussions. The ADL team also provided feedback on the responses.

Acara diakhiri dengan berfoto Bersama dengan semua pihak, yaitu peserta seminar, pihak ADL, CDC UI, dan ShARE UI.

The event ended with a group photo with all parties, including seminar participants, ADL, CDC UI, and ShARE UI.