The availability of quality human resources (HR) is currently an important and urgent issue. The low quality of human resources is one of the significant factors in the low excellence of the Indonesian nation in the international world. In Indonesia, universities (PT) are institutions that produce competent human resources in various fields of science. PT is also expected to be able to fill the needs of the world of work with optimal quality standards. Therefore, preparing conditions that “closer” between PT and the world of work is an important process that must be created as well as possible from the start.
Currently, a common phenomenon that often occurs in Indonesia, which is a big obstacle that must be faced, is the occurrence of a competency mismatch between the needs of the world of work and the background or expertise of HR. One of the real portraits of this problem is the number of job seekers who submit applications with academic requirements that have met standard criteria but after entering the world of work it turns out that they do not understand and have skills in their field of work. Another obstacle is the low soft-skills of job seekers. Currently, not only hard-skills are needed in the world of work but also soft-skills. Factors that give success in the world of work are soft-skills (40%), networking (30%), hard-skills (20%), and financial (10%) (Dekdiknas, 2007). The results of research in developed countries show that initiative, ethics/integrity, critical thinking, willingness to learn, commitment, motivation, enthusiasm, reliability, oral communication skills, and creativity are the 10 dominant soft-skills attributes needed by the world of work.
Referring to the problems above, the University of Indonesia since 2005 has established the Career Development Center (CDC-UI) as a forum for developing the quality of human resources to become a competent and ready-to-use workforce. CDC-UI aims to be a good mediator between job seekers and companies/agencies/industry that are in need of workers. Standing under the Directorate of Graduate Career Development and UI Alumni Relations, CDC-UI has three main clients, namely graduates/final year students (UI and non-UI), as well as active students (apprenticeships) and companies/agencies/industry.