IFI Campus France


Scholarship Webinar : Choose France : Study and Schlorship in France With Nur Fitria ( Representative Campus France Jakarta )

Kegiatan Webinar yang dilaksanakan secara daring pada tanggal Kamis, 27 Oktober 2022 dari pukul 11.00 hingga 12.00 WIB. Kegiatan ini mengusung tema : “ Choose France : Study and Scholarship in France”. Pada acara webinar ini Nur Fitria selaku Representative Campus France Jakarta menjadi pembicara, pelaksanaan acara ini dihadiri oleh 55 peserta webinar.

Webinar activities which will be held online on Thursday, 27 October 2022 from 11.00 to 12.00 WIB. This activity carries the theme: “Choose France: Study and Scholarship in France”. At this webinar event Nur Fitria as Campus France Jakarta Representative was the speaker, this event was attended by 55 webinar participants.